As previously announced, it has been mutually agreed upon to have Rapid City Youth Baseball Little League (RCYB) merge both into Harney Little League (HLL) and Canyon Lake Little League (CLLL). The new little league boundaries will be aligned geographically with HLL expanding its boundaries to take in RCYB’s east boundary and CLLL expanding to take in RCYB’s west boundary. An informational parent meeting has been set for Wednesday, November 20th at 5:30pm in the Rapid City Central High School auditorium. Please enter the building on the east side at the entrance marked “East Entrance”.
The meeting will discuss reasons for the merger and how it will affect little league baseball for the upcoming season. If you have questions or want to know more about the merger please attend the meeting.
For more information or questions, please contact:
Scott Guffey, CLLL President – [email protected]
Domico Rodriguez, HLL President - [email protected]m
Jordan Bauer, RCYB President - [email protected]