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A Winning Tradition and Culture of Excellence

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Oct, 2023

Canyon Lake Offseason Workout Opportunity

Canyon Lake Little League is excited to provide offseason workout opportunities for those that are interested in extra work during the non-baseball months of November and December – specifically October 30 – December 29.  Before reading below, it should be noted that we strongly encourage kids to play other sports and we do not believe offseason workouts are necessary.  However, in the event that you’d like to seek additional training, we are providing open-gym programs.  There will be no cost to this as it is included with your membership at CLLL, however please note that we will be putting a lot of time into this to prove that you can get great training at CLLL without having to spend money outside of our league.  We have GREAT volunteers.     


There will be two age groups.  Majors and Minors Open Gyms (ages 9-12) and Kid Pitch and Coach Pitch Open Gyms (ages 8 and under).  All training sessions will be 1 to 1-1/2 hour in length and will focus on stretching, fundamentals, approach, and building strength.   


Majors and Minors Open Gyms are for our kids entering their league age 9 to 12 year old years.  These kids will work out together in Schnell Batting Cage and a coach will be present.  Sessions will be offered Monday through Friday from 5:30-7:00 and on Saturday from 9:00-10:30.  CLLL will provide equipment (minus gloves/bats) and an 8 week training program will be followed.  CLLL Majors coaches as well as additional volunteers with professional, college, and legion baseball (including existing Post 22 Hardhat Varsity players) experience will be provided. 

You will register using our online system (Register at and will need to let us know which times work best for you as well as whether you want to be assigned to 1 or 2 sessions per week.  We will do our best to assign you times that work.  NOTE: This is only available to players who were registered with CLLL during the 2023 season OR for those planning to register in 2024 (special registration requirements will apply for these players to participate so please reach out if you are not currently a member).  

Effective now, we are actively seeking minors and 8/9 Kid Pitch managers for the 2024 season and would like to use this as an opportunity to train these managers on our practice plans and expectations.  We will ask the 8/9 volunteers specifically to help run a similar program for our younger kids -> explained below.   


Kid Pitch and Coach Pitch Open Gyms are for our kids entering their league age 8 and under years (kid pitch, and coach pitch).  These kids will work out together in Brandt Batting Cage and volunteers will be given the option to use the facility with their kids.  Training plans will be provided for the same time slots noted for the Coached Open Gyms however this will only be facilitated by CLLL if we get volunteers.  Please respond to this email if you're willing to help.  

If you have questions in the meantime, please respond to this email ([email protected]) and our coaching director Brian Tideman will reach out.  Registration opens today (October 5) and will remain open through November in case anyone wants to wait until December to start.


Thank you, 

Canyon Lake Little League


Canyon Lake Little League
PO Box 9072 
Rapid City, South Dakota 57709

Email: [email protected]

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